30 January 2014

Is it something in the air? I feel SO “down” today, I woke feeling that way, made EVERY effort to raise my  vibration, but it stays far from where it should be. I ask if there is something in the air because 2 of the people closest to me are sharing the same kind of feeling, “Quicksand”, “Domino’s” “Downward-Spiral” are among the terms used between the three of us.

Things have just not been “flowing”, to be honest, the last few days haven’t been “flowing” it’s like there is some kind of restriction.

I know that I have been procrastinating starting with my examination into my “limiting subconscious beliefs”, and I do still suspect that that procrastination is an ironic subconscious block preventing me from addressing my subconscious conditioning.

I also suspect that we do get affected by the trials and tribulations affecting loved ones, and My Wonderful Lady has been going through a very trying time both at home and at work, while it is my belief that it supporting a loved one is an intrinsic part of being in a relationship, it is also each of our responsibility to take care of our own needs, since without being complete ourselves, we cannot effectively help anyone else for any extended period of time.

Sleep deprivation could be part of the issue from my side, sometimes we just get so carried away talking at night that before we know it it’s 22h30 or 23h00 and we choose to be awake at 04h30 again.

That is My Wonderful Lady and I, the third person I referred to has gone through a sequence of events each a larger challenge than the one before, but by her own admission she has been struggling to re-establish a routine after the holidays, visitors and her father’s health challenge.

But as I was typing this entry, a facebook feed came through from High Existence, entitled “Discover the 5 natural emotions and how to deal with them in this short blog post.” I encourage each and every one to follow the link and watch the short video based on an article by Neale Donald Walsch, author of ‘Conversations With God’.

Basically Anger, Envy, Sadness, Fear and Love are natural emotions, but suppressed Anger leads to Rage, suppressed Envy leads to Jealousy, suppressed Sadness leads to Depression, in each case the former is a controlled emotion, the latter controls us! What of fear? Fear is a natural feeling, it protects us from harm, but it needs to be controlled, not controlling us.

I’m wondering if the three of us have not been so mindful of feeling the positive emotions, that we have been suppressing these “negative” emotions, instead of simply releasing them?

Somehow, I suspect the truth will be found while pondering this…

It reminds me of a conversation I had with My Wonderful Lady a few days ago during which I apologized to her for my feelings of anger, hate and scorn for her useless “knee” of a manager. She, in her wisdom, and infallible instinct wouldn’t allow me to apologize saying that being able to have someone share her anger with and derision of this useless, inept gaggle of barely trained apes, provided her with a controlled release of these emotions, and a feeling of being supported.

Much to learn there still is as Master Yoda might’ve said 🙂

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