Birthdays, Mileposts along our Journey – 17 July 2016

Time is an invention of man, we humans used the rotation and orbit of our planet earth and the phases of our moon as a basis for dividing up time into slices of years, seasons, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Based on the movement of these rocks hurtling through space we apportion our lives and commemorate events of human significance.

A contentious personal yearly event of my life has been my birthday. Logically it is an arbitrary mark in an invented timeline, but for the human race it has great significance. We are legislated to begin our institutional programming through the school system based on how many revolutions of the sun our earthly life has observed. Later, laws again dictate when we are deemed legal for sexual intercourse, when we are able to enter into legal contract, and when we become unemployable and therefore set out to pasture.

Celebration typically accompanies the anniversary of one’s birth, I first found out about this tradition during my first school grade when my fellow students brought cake and sweets to class. But I had been forewarned not to partake of these celebrations and under no circumstances to indulge in the delicacies provided because the interpretation of a collection of 66 ancient texts that my parent subscribed to forbade such “self worship”.

One can therefore say that the first years of my life didn’t have very happy associations with “birthdays”. I can’t remember exactly which year I celebrated my birthday for the first time, I would guess somewhere around 1995 when I would’ve “turned” 26. I must admit that there was a period during which those celebrations of my, and others, birthdays was accompanied by a residual guilt, such was the depth of conditioning residual in my psyche.

I am now convinced that this “guilt” was a major factor which held me back over the years, a subconscious block which prevented me from living the life of my desires. As I write this, in fact, I realise the stunning truth of this since I have written before of my “birthday curse”, how each year my birthdays were marred by extreme financial scarcity and unpleasant events. The exceptions have been last year and this year…

1999 – 30th – Divorce

2006 – 28th – Homelessness

2009 – 40th – My mother’s passing

2010 – 41st – Eviction from my Kalahari home

2011 – 42nd – My Sister-in-Law’s passing

2013 – 44th – Burglary while out celebrating with my family

2014 – 45th – better… but (as chronicled here) broke

2015 – 46th – Good, spent with family and friends in Durban

2016 – 47th – Awesome, good times, friends, family, love


And I have to ponder the “Why”, and the answer lies in the timeline, what made the difference, what significant choice occurred between the 15th July 2014 and the 15th July 2015? November 2014 I made the choice to formally resign from the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization!

Examining the events “before” and “after” that event I am pleasantly surprised to observe the difference in my life. This blog always has been a chronicle of my JOURNEY with the Law of Attraction, and I have promised to be honest, even when this puts my life and my choices/reactions in a less than flattering light, so the evidence lies in the pages of this online journal.

It was just on a year ago when I wrote about having achieved “stability” and how that elicited mixed feelings within me, and in retrospect…

I am jumping ahead of myself…

When I woke this morning it dawned (excuse the pun) on me that 10 years have passed since that rainy day I discovered these wonderful truths while sheltering on the backseat of a 1976 Audi 80. I planned to write about how much life has changed in 10 years, and in my first draft this morning I started out along that looong story of each and every significant event amongst the last 10 years, but that’s just BORING (and I was criticized on Friday that this blog is “boring”J)

The truth is that close to 10 years ago, as mentioned many times in the pages of this blog, I discovered the truths of Mindpower and later the Law of Attraction. During the time since then there have been many “up’s” and many “down’s” but overall it has been a wonderful journey of self-discovery and increasing abundance.

10 years ago I lived on the streets of a working class suburb of the Cape Town Metro, the few possessions I owned stored in the boot of a broken down car. Today I live in what is subjectively the most beautiful setting on the planet. My home is comfortable and efficient; we have everything we need and most of what we desire. I have achieved a degree of freedom that is unusual in the context of our society of indentured servitude. This very month I was even able to add a “new” Old Ford to my stable, Essie the Escort who I have pursued for many years now (more about her in future posts I am sure).

I am careful to relate these circumstances from a perspective of GRATITUDE, and not from a standpoint of boastfulness, because most of what I have accomplished has been through the assistance of others, the alignment of “people, events and circumstances” promised as a result of our applying the principles and actions of the Law of Attraction.

At the same time, I must emphasise just how important examination, understanding and re-programming the subconscious conditioning we have been subjected to is for the manifestation of our desires.

Intellectually I accepted many years ago that what I was fed through the platform of religion was bullshit, and therefore distanced myself from it. Unfortunately running away and hiding does not undo massive indoctrination of the first 25 years of one’s life, especially when (under fear of punitive exile from family and loved ones) one continues to pretend during certain interactions.

Reprogramming negative subconscious conditioning involves four steps

  1. Thorough self-examination – becoming aware of what belief systems are held deep inside our subconscious, and which support our desires and which do not.
  2. Re-education, – researching and studying to ensure that the “replacement” belief system is in fact supportive of our higher potential
  3. Active reprogramming, – which involves consciously implanting new beliefs within ones subconscious using such tools as meditation, affirmations and visualization.
  4. Burning Bridges – while we cling, even partly, to what did not serve us, we can make no progress!

Over the years since that fateful day in 2006 I had spent much time and effort reading, studying and researching, and to anyone else making this journey I have the following advice from Martin Luther King jnr to share;

“You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just the next step”

I took a break just now, I sat outside watching the clouds move over my valley and it occurred to me that this journey is just like a road trip along a route you’ve never traveled.

Before you embark, you will examine a map, familiarizing yourself with the sequence of towns along the way, if I was to drive now to Cape Town, the road leaving King Williams Town is signposted “Port Elizabeth”, not “Cape Town”, so we need to know what way-points along the way need to be followed.

Familiarize yourself with the route ahead

So I start traveling, I may have said to myself “it is 1068km’s to Cape Town, at an average speed of 100km/h it will therefore take me 10 hours to reach my destination”, but traffic may be heavy, there might be construction along the way, maybe you not driving an Old Ford so your car breaks down 😉

Outside forces influence how quickly we travel along our life’s journey.

When we reach Port Elizabeth one is confronted with a complicated maze of freeway intersections, we know from the prior examination of our map that from Port Elizabeth we need to travel further to the town of George, but only when we read the signs labelling each intersection do we know which exit to choose. And more often than not, there are detours, roads may be damaged, accidents might have blocked the path, or more happily, an advertised attraction leads us off that freeway.

Things don’t always go according to plan, sometimes we may even have to make a U-turn to find an alternate route, sometimes we sit stationary for a long time waiting for a blockage to be cleared.

And of course eventually the fuel meter shows that we need to top up our fuel, and we have to choose a filling station to replenish. Very often we choose one that has a restaurant or some sightseeing activity so that we fill ourselves up and rest at the same time as we refuel our transport. What would happen if we chose not to refuel our car? Or drove till physical exhaustion took over?

More than likely we would be stranded on the side of the road, or crash and burn.

Along our life’s journey we need to take time out, we need to rest, we need to refuel

An overloaded uncomfortable car will be more taxing on our physical endurance, and will require more stops for refuelling and more rest stops for ourselves, and will also stand a higher chance of developing mechanical problems.

The journey will go faster and require less stops and repairs if our lives are comfortable and efficient and if we carry less baggage!

Eventually we crest Sir Lowrey’s Pass and the Cape Metropolis lays spread before us and we keep a sharp eye on the road signs looking for one that directs us to the destination within the city that we choose.

Even with the end in sight we need to be vigilant to make the right choice.

Of course with the wonderful advances in technology, we now have GPS systems which will not only guide us “turn-by-turn” but also in many cases warn us of congestion and detours ahead of time, and so in our life’s journey, studying the teachings of others who have traveled this path before can help us avoid pitfalls along the way.

When I embarked on this journey July 2007, I had no idea that I would need to reprogram my subconscious mind, much less that one of the exits I needed to take was to formally resign my association with the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization, but along the way that became clear.

Other journeys lie ahead, the Old Ford is being prepared for her next adventure, the destination needs to be chosen, which subconscious blockage takes priority, more than likely relationships, since these have not been all that successful up until now, I imagine that this will involve careful study of why I consciously and subconsciously either sabotage them, or choose the wrong people.

Yes, with what lies before, I think that’s the journey to take, let me find a map to that destination…


Go Forth and be Awesome

All My Love


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